Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Edward Said Reader

Just like the Chomsky reader, The Edward Said Reader ( lets you read articles by Said and other articles on him by others for free. People interested in Said can check this site out. Just click on the link.


Shikha said...

Aye, idiot...stop putting up 5 line posts. What is this?

Romit said...

""What the hell is that supposed to mean. It was just meant to be informative. Just because you FEP people pretend to study "criticism", don't mean you have to criticize everything you come across. What else am i supposed to say - "Edward Said was molested by his father". You people don't want to make the effort to form your opinions about things, you want other's opinions so that you can compensate for your lack. I just wanted to let people know there is this site, cause from what I gather not a lot of people know about it. Now, what people do with this site and what they think about it is up to them."" - this is what I would have replied if some fool from your class had put up that comment but since you are Shikhaaa and I like you - ""It is ok da. I just wanted people to know and let them decide what to do with the site"".

Am I not the best person alive?

Shikha said...

Heh...Smart ass! I'm flattered. But like seriously, update more often and put up more stuff to read. Only Iromika and Bharat update almost religiously. Boredom is happening.

(And yes,'re the besht person alive. Haffy?)

Romit said...

Right. I will. Just you wait now

Shikha said...

What? You're threathening me now? I'm not scared of you!

(Thoo...I'm so bored!)

Romit said...

No no sincere comments they were. blog will be updated regularly

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.